July 7, 2019


For all of Christendom there is one Savior, one Redeemer, one Prince of Peace--Jesus Christ--the only begotten Son of God. He was born, He lived an exemplary life, He made the ultimate sacrifice for us and was crucified on the cross, but most importantly-He arose from the grave and HE LIVES! Because of his great atoning sacrifice and resurrection, I know peace and joy in this life and have faith and hope in life eternal. How thankful I am that I know Him! May we celebrate and honor our Savior-Jesus Christ- not only today but every day! Our life is His gift to us. What we do with our life is our gift to HIM! 

This is old news but something I've wanted to document.  Our first holiday in the Philippines was Easter.  We had been here for just about a month but were feeling right at home.  Of course, as official representatives of The Church of Jesus Christ,  we are especially interested in promoting His life and teachings.  Easter was the perfect occasion for that!  Sister Robinson and I think so much alike on so many different things--it was easy for us to come up with a way to honor the Savior for Easter.  Jumping off from the church website, we highlighted "Because of Him" which is so appropriate as it is because of Him  that we find ourselves on a mission half way around the world in the Philippines!  We put a sign out for every day of the week. (we hated to take it down!)  We also fashioned Easter baskets out of paper bags (well--really--Sister Robinson did that), made some treats, including Pogacha and Pogacha donuts (a Drzayich tradition) and gave them to our neighbors.                 
Elders Coontz, Santos, Durbin, Crosby


           Elders Levine Ballarta, Lorange, Aquino

          The Hernandos-- Junell, Addilyn, Jameson, Landon, Julie, Kamaile