June 15, 2019


Okay--I have spent an inordinate amount of time trying to figure out how to get this song on my blog!!!  But I just love it and wanted to share it!  It was written, composed and performed by Rachel Andelin, who served in the Philipines Laoag Mission a few years back. Every missionary gets a copy of the words and it is sung often--at Zone Conferences, Training Meetings, missionary arrivals and departures, etc.  Sister Andelin is obviously very talented--we are so lucky to have her inspirational work as an integral part of our mission culture.  In the chorus you hear (or read) "From Vigan's streets to the coast of Santa Ana".  Our mission area is quite large.  From Laoag, where the Mission Home is, it is about an 8 hour drive to the northernmost point--Santa Ana.  And it is about a 2 hour drive to the farthest South--Vigan.  So about 10 hours to drive from North to South and we have been to both ends!

Philippines Laoag Mission Song (Click on this link to hear song--hopefully!)

I hope you can open and listen to it, but just in case, I am including the words.

Verse 1 We made a sacred promise long before this life As we stood in our big family long ago Our hearts were filled with perfect joy to think about the call We yearned to serve our Master with our all Now is the time Here is the place The Lord has already started quick’ning the pace

Chorus Here we are, preaching at the top of the Philippines Giving all we are to hasten His work Yes we know, He uses the weak, simple foolish things But in the strength of Christ success is sure We will cry repentance and shout Hosanna From Vigan’s streets, to the coast of Santa Ana With an eye single to God’s we have a vision Humbly and prayerfully serving Philippines Laoag Mission

Verse 2 As we serve we struggle with weaknesses and doubts And sometimes it seems we cannot do enough But our Savior, he gives us grace, forgiveness, hope, and peace We come to know what his Atonement means Let’s lose ourselves That is Christ’s way Find the beloved sheep that have strayed Chorus

Napigsa tayo, dagiti aqtutubo Adda ti pammati tayo ken ni Apo H’wag matakot, magtiwala Gawin lahat, at ang Diyos ang bahala Piano Solo

Verse 3 And when we reach that big day our souls are overwhelmed Our brothers and sisters dressed in spotless white Who could have guessed the greatest joy is to see a person change? We know we’ve made a difference that’s eternal No greater work No greater need Than to show Christ-like love by action and deed

Verse 4 Someday we’ll reunite with those souls we came to love And in glory we’ll embrace our dearest friends What sweeter words could then be heard than “Thank you, you saved me!” It makes all of the heartache seem nothing Think of that day Have faith and pray Be a clean instrument in God’s hands today!


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