September 2, 2019


The culture here in the Philippines has been greatly influenced by those who have invaded/conquered/collaborated with the country.  The Spanish and US influence have left lasting marks on the traditions, architecture and language.
You can really see the Spanish influence in the historic cobblestone streets
and much of the local architecture in Vigan (southernmost part of our mission)
There is great discussion on what the official language of the Philippines is.  For a time, while under Spanish rule, it was Spanish.  You still hear a lot Spanish influence in the language which is great for me because I understand quite a bit of Spanish.  But there are over 100 (some sources say up to 200) languages still being spoken across the country. Here in Laoag they speak Ilicano. It is not uncommon for Filipinos to speak 3-5 languages. After doing some research, I am still quite confused, but it appears that Filipino (or nationalized Tagolog) is the first language and English is the second.  Almost all understand and speak Tagolog, in addition to their local language, A lot of people understand English but are hesitant to speak it.  As for the missionaries--junior missionaries learn Tagolog in the MTC while senior missionaries are not required to learn Tagolog and are encouraged to help the locals with their English.  All in all--there are many opportunities for miscommunication --you're never quite sure if mutual understanding has been reached but then I guess that is a universal problem--even when you are speaking the exact same language!  It reminds me of the oft misquoted quote--
I know you think you understand what you thought I said but I'm not sure you realize that what you heard is not what I meant”  Ha Ha! 
I do love listening to them speak--it is beautiful and lyrical--especially when they speak English.   

One of our latest misunderstandings was pretty funny.... We were asking a friend where would be a good place to eat and his reply (we thought) was "Have you ever been to the Heathen Gardens?"  Oh dear-- that doesn't sound like someplace missionaries should be frequenting.  After several repeats, we finally understood that he was saying "Hidden Gardens"  Ha Ha Ha--we got a good laugh out of that one!! Not only did we have a good laugh but we had a wonderful lunch at the beautiful Hidden Garden Restaurant.

It's always an adventure here in the Philippines!  I love it!!!

1 comment:

  1. Happy bday Peggy!! I enjoy your blogging but there is not enough of it !! Haha. Keep enjoying your adventure
