March 17, 2019


This entry should be dated 3/4/2019.  I'm a little slow on the draw here but will get on a regular schedule soon!!

Many of you have wondered if I will be following the same guidelines as the younger, proselytizing missionaries.and the answer is “no”. There is much more flexibility for the older, wiser missionaries-ha ha. Most senior missionaries serve missions with their spouse as their companion. However, those who find themselves without spouses can request (this is fairly new) a companion who they will serve with the entire length of the mission. I’m so thankful to have found Darlene Robinson to share this experience with! Seniors can also request a type of mission such as service, educational, medical, etc, and can give preference for the length of the mission. Darlene and I will be serving for one year and will most likely be involved with member and missionary support. While all missionaries pay for their missions, junior missionaries contribute a standard rate to the missionary fund and all monies are distributed by the Church. Senior missionaries are solely responsible for all expenses involved with the mission. Cost will vary depending on the location of the mission. Generally, senior missionaries stay in one house or apartment for the duration of the mission, unlike the juniors who change companions and transfer around the mission every six weeks or so. Seniors can call, text, facetime or even visit family and friends anytime (as long as the mission work remains top priority) We can even take naps if we need to!!!

In spite of all the flexibility, senior missionaries, like their junior counterparts, are called to represent Jesus Christ as ministers of the restored gospel and are official representatives of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. What a wonderful opportunity to put personal affairs aside and be an instrument in the Lord’s hands and in His service 24-7 for an entire mission! I am anxious to get out among the Filipino people and share my light!

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