March 23, 2019


March 9-March 11

Even though my mission officially started when I entered the MTC, it got very real for me when I boarded the plane in Salt Lake City with the final destination of Manilla. I feel so honored to be wearing my missionary badge and boldly displaying who I represent for all to see.

We had a 5 ½ hour layover in Las Angeles. Darlene’s daughter, Kim, and some of Darlene’s long time friends picked us up with dinner, a lighted van, and music playing. In spite of my protestations that we not leave the airport (glad I didn’t persist), we went and had a wonderful time. Got back in plenty of time to catch our 11:00 pm flight for Manilla.

Darlene and I had grand plans for our 15 hour flight--reading,
catching up on thank yous, crocheting, etc.--none of which happened. It was lights out, try to sleep, watch a movie or two and try not to go bonkers in our confined space. While the food was decent and the attendants helpful, I have never been so happy to see a flight end! We arrived in Manilla to a bright orange sunrise and proceeded to make our way through customs. Felt pretty strange to be surrounded by people who were speaking a language we didn’t understand at all!

We were met at a designated spot by our driver, Roger, who took us to the Hotel 101. Unfortunately, it was about 8:00 AM and we were told our rooms would not be ready until 2:00! Oh dear!!! We were exhausted and hungry but settled down in the lobby in two of the four chairs available. Finally decided to go into the hotel restaurant for a buffet breakfast, lingered for a while there and at 10:00 decided to go check on our room. Tender mercies! Our room was available! Boy did it feel good to lie down on a real bed! We slept until about 3:00 when our driver returned and took us to the Customs office for fingerprinting and mug shots. We were so lucky not to have to wait in that hot, crowded place for three hours like the senior couple that arrived just ahead of us. Someone is definitely watching out for us. Then back to the hotel for dinner and a good night’s sleep. Then an early morning pick up for our 11:00 flight to Laoag.

So we had about two hours to wait before our flight to Laoag. It’s wasn’t a big airport but they had Krispy Kreme donuts!!! (Unfortunately, you had to buy a dozen so that didn’t work out). Then we noticed a little massage kiosk at the end of the airport. I convinced Darlene that it might be a good idea to get a back and neck massage to get some of the kinks out from our long flight. She hesitatingly went along. Oh boy--big mistake. The masseuses had very firm hands, especially the one working on Darlene. I was doing ok until she started massaging my head and totally destroying any semblance of normalcy. I heard Darlene mention that she had had a hip replacement and was possibly in need of another. When the torture session (Darlene’s words) was over. I got up--looked at Darlene--and just busted out laughing. Her hair was all over, she had mascara smudged under her eye and she said to me “What were you thinking?” then she busted out laughing. I got a glimpse of myself in the mirror--oh my-- I looked like the wild woman from Borneo--Ha Ha! We did our best to compose ourselves and leave the area. What an experience!! Darlene says I owe her big time and I would have to agree!

1 comment:

  1. Peggy, or should I say Sister Drzayich- sounds like the start of an amazing adventure. So excited to read about your experiences and share in your joy. You will do amazing things.
    Next massage be sure to get a picture of the tousled hair :)
