March 17, 2019


March 4-March 9
The start of my actual mission was a little surreal for me. After sending four sons off to the MTC (Missionary Training Center) in Provo it seemed a little strange but, oh so wonderful, to have my sons and their families seeing ME off to the MTC!! I have learned much from my children and the learning continues! As I walked the MTC campus, the thought often crossed my mind that I was following in the footsteps of my stalwart sons and it made my heart swell with gratitude and love. It was an inspirational experience to say the least. In our group, there were 125 senior missionaries (only five single sisters). We were surrounded by approximately 1,400 junior missionaries from all corners of the world who were preparing to serve missions in all corners of the world. The atmosphere was energetic and uplifting--such energy!! We were only there for five days but I learned much and fell into bed exhausted each night. I was so impressed by the young return missionaries who taught us. I was truly amazed at how quickly we formed strong and lasting relationships with our fellow senior missionaries. I totally attribute that to the fact that we were all intent on developing our own personal relationship with the Savior, working through the Spirit, and extending Christlike love to each other. It was exhilarating!

March 3, 2019  Boise to Salt Lake City
Nick and Emmi send me off from the Boise airport! So glad they came in to help me with my massive amounts of luggage!  So hard to pack for a whole year!!!  So hard to say goodbye!

March 3, 2019  Salt Lake to Provo MTC
Mack, Ashley, Odessa, Hazel & August picked me up at the Salt Lake airport and took me to Jake and Kaylee's place where I was fed a delicious dinner. Then everyone (including Ellis and Cohen) loaded up and dropped me at the MTC.  Full circle with these sons of mine!  Bit of a mixup at the MTC security gate (and Mack's kids were asleep in the car)  so didn't get a picture of them and only Mack & Odessa came in with me but I was grateful for that!  Love this picture of Mack putting on my tag!  As he pointed out--first "Sister"
Drzayich ever to go on a mission!

            Our MTC District--what a great bunch of people!

Iconic MTC pictures in front of the picture of Christ and pointing to where you are serving on the wall map.
We were a threesome.  Our third companion was a wonderful sister from Virginia--Martha Dubyk.  Sister Dubyk was called to the Polynesian Cultural Center in Hawaii. 

Snapshot of what we did and learned in a jam packed week at the MTC!

March 9, 2019
Time to depart!!!!  Goodbye MTC--it was a grand time!!!  Philippines here we come!!

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