April 30, 2019


We were riding in a tricee here and giggling
over the fact that it was one of the smaller ones
(Filipinos are small) and we were pretty packed
in.  Always an adventure!
So I’m still having a hard time getting into the habit/routine of writing in my journal and my blog. I had a crazy notion that when I became a missionary, I would automatically start doing those things--wrong!! As senior missionaries, we are not given guidelines and schedules like the younger missionaries. We are free to set our own schedule and determine how we should best spend our time. I’m grateful for that freedom but also very aware that my natural tendency to be easily distracted and veer off course are as much an issue for me here as back home. Even though I am not encumbered by all the worldly cares of home, I am still bound by previous tendencies and habits.…..sigh! I am desirous to acquire some new study, reading and writing habits but it is a slow process. Meanwhile, I am so grateful to have a companion and doubly grateful that my companion is Darlene Robinson. We have so much in common and have very similar personalities. We are both quite assertive, which may have been an issue when we were younger, but getting older has a wonderful way of tempering things! We are finding that we work well together, we enjoy each other’s company and conversation, we get things done, we have fun, and we really help each other stay on course! That being said, it is also nice that we do not have to be in eye and ear shot of each other 24/7, like the younger missionaries. We each have our own room so we can have moments of privacy and reflection. We are also free to go places and do things individually. Even though it is very nice to have that option, we find that we would much prefer to do things together for the most part. As a little side note...the two office sisters here are actual biological sisters but we often have people comment that we look more like sisters than they do! I take that as a big compliment because I think Sister Robinson is beautiful--inside and out!!

April 19, 2019


Wow--never imagined it would be so difficult to get my blog up and running on a regular basis!   This post is actually a modified report for Pres. Peterson.  Don't give up on me.  I'll get the hang of this yet!

Much of our week was spent trying to get the lay of the land, finding groceries and misc. Items, (still praying for the delivery of our balikbayan box), and working out technological kinks with our computers and phones. Sis. Robinson has been plagued with issues. Unsure weather it is her Android or the Android user :o)--probably a combo of both. My iphone seems to do much better. Ever so grateful to the Kartchners and all they have done and continue to do to help us get acclimated. Also grateful that we came onto the scene a little later so we didn’t have to deal with the same huge learning curve as everybody else. So nice to have people watching out for us and showing us the ropes. Tender mercies for sure!

L-R  Jamison, Adelyn, Kamaile, Landon and Julie

We have spent some time getting to know the Hernandos (neighbors) and the landlord (Mila). Such nice people! We are planning a trip with Julie Hernando to see her facility for endangered/rescued children and perhaps offer a little grandmotherly love to those unfortunate little ones.

The sisters piled into our air conditioned car while we were
waiting for the building to be opened.

We attended two district meetings with the Kartchners--one in Poway, which was supposed to be held in Batac, and one at our house with Elders Clark and Durbin, which was supposed to be held at the church--finally gave up on waiting for someone with a key to let us in. Really learning to roll with the punches. We have thoroughly enjoyed attending these district meetings--getting to know the missionaries and hearing how their work is progressing. We pray that we will be able to make some helpful contributions. We continue to be impressed with these young missionaries and their dedication to the work. We also see the results of the love, concern and teaching the new mission president has given them! We are planning to attend a different district
meeting every week with the Kartchners.
Plan B--Hold the District meeting at our apartment when you
can't get into the building!

We wanted to drop into the Institute and introduce ourselves so we ventured out to locate it. No luck!!! Ventured out a second time and thankfully came across a couple of Elders (Levine & Lerange) who jumped in and took us right there. We drove up into the parking lot and that’s when things went south. As I was backing down that steep incline, the cement bump that holds the gate became intimately acquainted with the exhaust pipe that runs down the center of the car and stopped us dead in our tracks. We pulled forward and were able to skirt around it but felt like something was amiss. Brother Thomas to the rescue!! He came right away, took the car to look at it, and found that a joint in the pipe had been dislodged. He fixed it or had someone fix it!  Unfortunately, that is not the only time I have connected with a concrete block or pipe sticking up.  I am getting the hang of driving on these narrow crowded roads but it has come at some cost to the exterior of the car.  Yikes!

Sis. Robinson has been doing some preparation for the dental hygiene presentation at zone conf. We (the Kartchners, office sisters and us), are planning to travel together to zone conference and do a little sightseeing along the way. We have also been involved in helping the Kartchners plan out activities and family home evenings for our Senior District. We are scheduled to hold the first FHE at our place-we are having spaghetti.

On Saturday--Elder Kartchner had another obligation so we helped Sis. Kartchner with her piano lessons at the church. So glad we were there as she had a full house--most with keyboards in tow. Many challenges with getting students to be prepared and show up on time. We were all glad when Elder Kartchner showed up to lend a hand.

Finally-on Sunday we returned to Sinait. Made the trip for two reasons--one-to help out with the choir that will be singing at their branch conference and two- to attend RS and follow up with the RS presidency. We thoroughly enjoyed our time there. In spite of not understanding a lot, we were so impressed with the RS teacher and lesson given. Fortunately, everything she put on the board was in English! She was well prepared and followed the pattern of asking questions and engaging the sisters. It was a pretty lively discussion on sharing your testimony as part of ministering. Once again, we were so impressed with the presidency and how things are being run and felt so strongly of the sweet spirit that was present in the Relief Society. We had hoped to return to hear the choir sing at their branch conference, but the Elders have arranged a meeting for us with the RS President of 2nd Ward so we will be attending there next Sunday.

Sinait RS
On our way home from Sinait, we did a little exploring along the coastal road and actually found a couple of spots by the ocean where we could get out, take in the ocean air and revel in the beautiful vistas! Exhilarating! All in all, we felt we had a very productive and enjoyable week!

April 11, 2019


 I was preparing for bed on this, the 11th of April, and reflecting on the day--it dawned on me that this is the anniversary of my sweet Prince’s passing. So hard to believe it has been eleven years! I like the word “passed” as opposed to “died” as I know my big guy has passed on to a heavenly realm. A place that is not restricted by time or space or human frailty. A place where love resides and truth is unfettered. I know he is encircled by love and joy that emanates from our Heavenly Father and our Savior, Jesus Christ. I know that, just as he was my safe harbor here on earth--he is now my guardian angel on the other side who hovers near me and all those he loved and cared about--which is many. I know his influence was great while he was here on the earth but is even greater and more far reaching from the other side. I know there is a master plan--a great plan of salvation and eternal happiness--and because of that, I know I will see and embrace him again. I am so grateful for that knowledge.

I am also grateful for four amazing sons who honor their father with their own lives--he truly lives on in them in so many wonderful ways! I love them beyond words. The thought often crosses my mind that I am following in my sons’ footsteps as I serve my Savior on this mission. What a blessing and an honor!

I am so thankful that this day passed by with no feelings of sorrow or sadness which is a first for me. I totally attribute that to the fact that I am immersed in the Lord’s work here in the Philippines. I continue to feel God’s loving influence and guiding hand in all the small details of my life as I navigate these very unfamiliar waters. So so grateful for this opportunity and experience--it has already been life-changing! Love you forever, my Prince!

April 9, 2019


March 12, 2019

We were so thrilled to finally be on the airplane that would take us to our final destination of Laoag! The flight from Manilla was short--a little over an hour. We were amazed by the huge cloud of polution (we think) that hung ominously over Manilla. We were both surprised by the terrain we were flying over--very interesting. I think we expected it to be basically flat but there were lots of mountainous areas, rivers, bodies of water (in addition to the surrounding ocean) with agricultural areas interspersed throughout. There were really bright orange patches scattered through the agricultural areas. Couldn’t imagine what that almost neon color could be and later found out they were fields of corn being laid out to dry. Have never seen corn that color! We caught glimpses of the ocean as we neared Laoag but were also surprised to find Laoag a little further inland than we had thought.
The Laoag Airport is small but it was beautiful to pull up to--part of it being covered with bright pink Buganvilias! After we retrieved our luggage (it all made it!!) we made our way out to where President and Sister Peterson, and Elder and Sister Kartchner were waiting for us. So wonderful to be greeted by the familiar faces of long time friends.

We were taken to the Mission Home (which is like a little Oasis in the middle of the city) where they were just finishing up with a District Leadership meeting. Got to meet several of the missionaries who seemed genuinely happy to have us there. We were served a delicious lunch (Costa Vida knock off) and then off to see where we would be living. I actually drove our car that was waiting at the Mission Home for us (more on the driving here later! So crazy!) 

We pulled up and were greeted by a pig and a rooster--welcome to the Philippines! 

 We were pretty blown away to find we would be living in such a nice place! Its very simple but spacious and bright with air conditioning and hot and cold running water in the bathroom AND the kitchen thanks to Richard Kartchner! We have young missionaries living next to us and above us. Also a delightful member family in the fourth apartment upstairs. The Kartchners had actually been living in our place and had really fixed it up but found another house in a location they liked better so they gave us their apartment! We feel pretty blessed. Sister Peterson had stocked the apt. with some of the basics AND a box of chocolate covered Mangos. What a wonderful welcome!

Unfortunately, the first couple of nights were a little rough--partly due to major jet lag and partly due to the rooster! Ends up he was tied right outside my bedroom window and thought sunrise was at 3:30am when he started his non-stop crowing. Even though Darlene’s room is on the other side, we were both contemplating rooster murder. Elder Kartchner came to the rescue and convinced the landlord to move the rooster to the other side of the building. Yay!! Turns out the rooster only lasted for another couple of weeks. Rumor has it he ended up on the landlords dinner table! I’m afraid the pig, who is getting quite plump, will have the same destiny.