April 9, 2019


March 12, 2019

We were so thrilled to finally be on the airplane that would take us to our final destination of Laoag! The flight from Manilla was short--a little over an hour. We were amazed by the huge cloud of polution (we think) that hung ominously over Manilla. We were both surprised by the terrain we were flying over--very interesting. I think we expected it to be basically flat but there were lots of mountainous areas, rivers, bodies of water (in addition to the surrounding ocean) with agricultural areas interspersed throughout. There were really bright orange patches scattered through the agricultural areas. Couldn’t imagine what that almost neon color could be and later found out they were fields of corn being laid out to dry. Have never seen corn that color! We caught glimpses of the ocean as we neared Laoag but were also surprised to find Laoag a little further inland than we had thought.
The Laoag Airport is small but it was beautiful to pull up to--part of it being covered with bright pink Buganvilias! After we retrieved our luggage (it all made it!!) we made our way out to where President and Sister Peterson, and Elder and Sister Kartchner were waiting for us. So wonderful to be greeted by the familiar faces of long time friends.

We were taken to the Mission Home (which is like a little Oasis in the middle of the city) where they were just finishing up with a District Leadership meeting. Got to meet several of the missionaries who seemed genuinely happy to have us there. We were served a delicious lunch (Costa Vida knock off) and then off to see where we would be living. I actually drove our car that was waiting at the Mission Home for us (more on the driving here later! So crazy!) 

We pulled up and were greeted by a pig and a rooster--welcome to the Philippines! 

 We were pretty blown away to find we would be living in such a nice place! Its very simple but spacious and bright with air conditioning and hot and cold running water in the bathroom AND the kitchen thanks to Richard Kartchner! We have young missionaries living next to us and above us. Also a delightful member family in the fourth apartment upstairs. The Kartchners had actually been living in our place and had really fixed it up but found another house in a location they liked better so they gave us their apartment! We feel pretty blessed. Sister Peterson had stocked the apt. with some of the basics AND a box of chocolate covered Mangos. What a wonderful welcome!

Unfortunately, the first couple of nights were a little rough--partly due to major jet lag and partly due to the rooster! Ends up he was tied right outside my bedroom window and thought sunrise was at 3:30am when he started his non-stop crowing. Even though Darlene’s room is on the other side, we were both contemplating rooster murder. Elder Kartchner came to the rescue and convinced the landlord to move the rooster to the other side of the building. Yay!! Turns out the rooster only lasted for another couple of weeks. Rumor has it he ended up on the landlords dinner table! I’m afraid the pig, who is getting quite plump, will have the same destiny.