April 11, 2019


 I was preparing for bed on this, the 11th of April, and reflecting on the day--it dawned on me that this is the anniversary of my sweet Prince’s passing. So hard to believe it has been eleven years! I like the word “passed” as opposed to “died” as I know my big guy has passed on to a heavenly realm. A place that is not restricted by time or space or human frailty. A place where love resides and truth is unfettered. I know he is encircled by love and joy that emanates from our Heavenly Father and our Savior, Jesus Christ. I know that, just as he was my safe harbor here on earth--he is now my guardian angel on the other side who hovers near me and all those he loved and cared about--which is many. I know his influence was great while he was here on the earth but is even greater and more far reaching from the other side. I know there is a master plan--a great plan of salvation and eternal happiness--and because of that, I know I will see and embrace him again. I am so grateful for that knowledge.

I am also grateful for four amazing sons who honor their father with their own lives--he truly lives on in them in so many wonderful ways! I love them beyond words. The thought often crosses my mind that I am following in my sons’ footsteps as I serve my Savior on this mission. What a blessing and an honor!

I am so thankful that this day passed by with no feelings of sorrow or sadness which is a first for me. I totally attribute that to the fact that I am immersed in the Lord’s work here in the Philippines. I continue to feel God’s loving influence and guiding hand in all the small details of my life as I navigate these very unfamiliar waters. So so grateful for this opportunity and experience--it has already been life-changing! Love you forever, my Prince!


  1. I am so happy that you are at peace in your service. I think of you often and pray for your success and joy in the work. Love you!

  2. Thank you for sharing this loving message. Be safe my friend. Love you!
