April 30, 2019


We were riding in a tricee here and giggling
over the fact that it was one of the smaller ones
(Filipinos are small) and we were pretty packed
in.  Always an adventure!
So I’m still having a hard time getting into the habit/routine of writing in my journal and my blog. I had a crazy notion that when I became a missionary, I would automatically start doing those things--wrong!! As senior missionaries, we are not given guidelines and schedules like the younger missionaries. We are free to set our own schedule and determine how we should best spend our time. I’m grateful for that freedom but also very aware that my natural tendency to be easily distracted and veer off course are as much an issue for me here as back home. Even though I am not encumbered by all the worldly cares of home, I am still bound by previous tendencies and habits.…..sigh! I am desirous to acquire some new study, reading and writing habits but it is a slow process. Meanwhile, I am so grateful to have a companion and doubly grateful that my companion is Darlene Robinson. We have so much in common and have very similar personalities. We are both quite assertive, which may have been an issue when we were younger, but getting older has a wonderful way of tempering things! We are finding that we work well together, we enjoy each other’s company and conversation, we get things done, we have fun, and we really help each other stay on course! That being said, it is also nice that we do not have to be in eye and ear shot of each other 24/7, like the younger missionaries. We each have our own room so we can have moments of privacy and reflection. We are also free to go places and do things individually. Even though it is very nice to have that option, we find that we would much prefer to do things together for the most part. As a little side note...the two office sisters here are actual biological sisters but we often have people comment that we look more like sisters than they do! I take that as a big compliment because I think Sister Robinson is beautiful--inside and out!!

1 comment:

  1. I'm reading and loving sharing your adventure as a missionary. Hugs to you. Carolyn
